Thursday, February 2, 2012

You're Kidding Right?

I guess this blog has turned into a carthartic outlet for all of our  - lets just call it what it is - straight up ignorance.
We have spent 3 days on sales tax for NYS.
NYS sales tax goes like this.
NYS gets 4%.  Sales tax goes from 7% to 8.88% - and that's by county.
Now the cities within those counties can charge (what seems to be) anything they want.
You're kidding right? Who makes up these rules?
Do you know what kind of sales tax table you have to build by city for your online shopping cart?
Do you know how many cities there are in NYS?
Yah. Me Neither.
No wonder people incorporate in states like Maryland.
Places like Maryland have a single rate for the whole freaking state!
Just FYI: The states with a single rate include Connecticut, District of Columbia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Rhode Island, and West Virginia.

Nothing like 20/20 hindsight.

But we don't want to incorporate in Maryland if our business is located in NYS. That's shyster.

We're trying our best to do the "right thing". Right thing by the customer, right thing for the planet, right thing by our conscionce, follow all the business rules - but let me tell you - NYS doesn't make it easy for small business.

So our accountant advised we should do a flat rate for the whole state of 8%.
Really? Are you sure? Well, ok if you say so.
Just sign here , here and here saying that you're responsible for sales tax if everyone in NYC wants one of these suits.

Oh, not so sure now? Yah. We'll get back to you.
Full speed ahead to creat Anti Chafe swimwear!!

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